PhpPgAdmin is a professional, albeit easy-to-use instrument, which will give you full control over all your PostgreSQL databases. It is similar to phpMyAdmin and you can use it to modify all the content in a PostgreSQL database, to import or export the database or only particular cells, rows and tables, and to customise the permissions that a specific database user has. As phpPgAdmin works with numerous file formats (CSV, SQL, XML), you will be able to employ it to move a site from one website hosting supplier to a different one and even see the database content using any spreadsheet app on your pc. Although there are other applications that you could use online to take care of PostgreSQL databases with web interface as well, phpPgAdmin is by far the most widespread one because it's simple to use and comes with plenty of functions.
phpPgAdmin in Cloud Hosting
If the Linux cloud hosting that you select supports PostgreSQL databases as standard or you obtain them as an upgrade, you can employ phpPgAdmin to manage them. The software tool is accessible from the PostgreSQL section of our tailor-made Hepsia website hosting Control Panel and it takes only a mouse-click to log in to any of your databases. This will happen instantly in a separate tab of your web browser, and in case you want to give access to a database to a third person, you're able to provide them with the login details for the particular database and they'll be able to use our direct phpPgAdmin login page. This way, a graphic designer or a service IT person will be able to work on a certain website without accessing anything else in your shared website hosting account - files, email messages, private details, etcetera.
phpPgAdmin in Semi-dedicated Hosting
In case you'd like to take advantage of PostgreSQL databases for your sites and you've got a semi-dedicated server account from us, you're able to access phpPgAdmin to manage them since this instrument is a part of all our packages. Creating a new database usually takes a couple of clicks in the hosting Control Panel and with just one more click on the phpPgAdmin button which will appear on the right-hand side of the database, you will be able to log in automatically and perform all of the tasks that you have to. In addition, we supply an option to log in manually when you have the database credentials, so that you will not have to sign in through your website hosting account. This will enable you to give access to a database to other people, such as a third-party graphic designer, without compromising the security of your site content, e-mail messages or private details.