Dot EXPERT Pricing

TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
Sole .EXPERT registration $53.99 $107.98 $161.97 $215.96 $269.95 $323.94 $377.93 $431.92 $485.91 $539.90

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.EXPERT yes yes (EPP) yes yes 1-10 years

Registering .EXPERT Domains

Nowadays, considering the numerous domain names registered on the net, it's difficult to obtain the exact domain name which you prefer. However, most of the domain names are limited to only a few generic domain name extensions, such as .COM or .NET. In case you're searching for a domain name extension which will make your domain name much more unique, that will allow it to stand out from the crowd, in such case .EXPERT is the ideal choice. The .EXPERT TLD is just gaining popularity, which means that there are plenty of appealing domain names still available. You can find not only a domain name which suits the name of your company, but also a domain name that fits your site's specific niche.

With My Supreme Center you could buy a .EXPERT domain name for only $53.99 per year.

.EXPERT Domain Management with My Supreme Center

If you want to get complete control over a variety of .EXPERT domain names, and you do not want to deal with complex domain name administration user interfaces or multiple Control Panels, we have the answer for you. With My Supreme Center's Domain Manager, you'll have total control over your .EXPERT domain names and you will be able to control other domain names too, all from the very same location. You will be able to instantly adjust your domains' DNS records, to effortlessly set up URL forwarding, to park unlimited domains and more.

In case you have a hosting account with My Supreme Center, it's possible to easily take care of both your sites as well as your domains from the exact same Control Panel.